I know what's going through your mind right now, The Scorpions did a phenomenal job, right! Well, perhaps we'll talk about how awesome classic rock is another day, but that would deserve a post for itself. No, I actually just want to talk about wind for a moment. Out here in Prescott, we've been having really winds days for the past couple of weeks. We've gotten to the point where wind advisories are coming out warning the people of Yavapai County about how intense they're going to be. Now, for those unaware, I've been training for a triathlons (next stop is in Austin, TX for a bit now, and wind and biking just don't make a fun mix. I've had this goal for the past few weeks of attempting this Saturday ride where I get up at 5:30 to avoid the minds and try to maintain a 20 mph average over 60 miles. It's been tough, and just last week I thought I had it. With about 10 miles left Mother Nature thought otherwise. All of a sudden, these insane gusts of a headwind started just destroying me. I finally accepted full defeat this last weekend as I got a flat at my turn around point (30 miles away from home with now spare tubes!) and had to endure the walk of shame.
Now, I really need to share how I got into this position (you know, being in Prescott over an entire summer.) I had these really high hopes of having an internship, and the last phone interview started-off by this kind lady informing me that the internship had been put on hold that very morning and would probably be cancelled. So, with a glass 1/4 full, I decided to load up on summer classes, do a consulting project, and train with the cross-country team. It's been great! I've been introduced to loads of trails around Prescott that wind up (seriously, it's only been up - both ways!) mountains covered in pine trees and I've finally started to begin enjoying Prescott. I know I've complained about this retirement center of a town for the past few years, but after this trail running I've really grown to enjoy it; not too shabby.
My new set of circumstances has also allowed to me to work on my relationship with swimming. We've had our differences like not being able to breathe under water, chlorinated itchy skin, and then entire fact that without upper-body strength I've been left to die on several occasions.
With all of this biking, running, and swimming in place, I can finally share with you my greatest achievement of my entire life. Now, I'm not trying to look cool here, but with trying to train for triathlons, I've found myself working out twice a day for the past couple of weeks. It's been great for one solid reason: I get to drink chocolate milk right after a workout! Yes, it really is the highlight of my day and my inspiration to work hard. So, put the math together for me. I drink 2 cups of chocolate milk right when I get home. I workout twice a day for six days of the week. Yeah! I go through a gallon and a half of chocolate milk a week! It's been quite the journey as well, but I have found the best chocolate milk that the tri-city area has to offer. No joke, it's the Fry's (Smith's, Ralph's) generic brand stuff. It doesn't beat the BYU creamery, but it does it's job!