Monday, February 24, 2014

Back to Haunt Me

Contrary to what my social life says about me now, it is true that once upon a time I spent a great deal of time going out with friends and young maidens. While in high school, right when I was strolling out the front door, my mum would always tell me, "Mind your Ps and Qs." I ended-up looking up what it meant several years ago, and it actually did have something to do with minding your manners and being conscious of what your actions are. As of late, these Ps and Qs have returned back from years past and have embedded themselves in my educational life. In micro and macroeconmics, while studying how markets and consumers react, we always have to make a graph with P resembling price and Q resembling quantity. In statistics, P represents the number of a sample that are positive to the survey and Q represents the number who are negative. Really, who would have thought that Mum Hall was prepping me all these years for these classes?

This week was laden with several-a-midterm that completely had the library sucking the life out of me every day. Although it didn't stop me from waking up each morning at 5 AM (I'm into that kind of thing now), it did take a toll on my visionary skill to read, but only a bit (I've got one last big one this Wednesday with macroeconomics). Although such a life sucked into the black hole of the library, I did find a bit of time for a few social things.

During the week, one evening, the business networking club I'm part of brought in a solid load of VPs, executives, and top guns to give us advice and allow us to ask a few questions. Naturally, it was formal dress. While shaking hands with a couple of them before the meeting officially began as we were just standing around, I was asked by one of them if I happened to be a visiting executive as well. My future shines bright!

I had a couple RA interviews this week. One where I got to talk about my life and opinions for a good 35 minutes straight; poor interviewers, I wouldn't stop rambling. Another interview consisted of a load of applicants working together so they could see how we led or submitted ourselves to our peers. Most of the people applying are current Freshman, and I couldn't help but feel like the weird old guy in the room that looks way too out of place. That took a whole 3 hours, but they gave us snacks so it was okay in the end.

There was also a hoedown for a ward dance. I showed up for a solid 10-15 minutes. That morning I pumped myself up by listening to this and this, but nothing was being played but country music I took-off. I understand it was in a barn and so there was an expectation of country music, but you could feel in the air how some people just really wanted to let loose.

On one last note, I cashed in a bet I won several months ago and was treated to sushi. For those who have not, you need to educate yourself and elevate your standard of living. It really could be the greatest thing- ever!

Monday, February 17, 2014

P-Towns, Worlds Apart

These week's thoughts go out to where my two university experiences happen- Provo, UT and Prescott, AZ. I think it's insteresting to see how two experiences can be so radically different for one person. As there are loads, I've tried to nail it down to the two that would be most entertaining for all of us.

My first real shock was the roomy situation. At BYU, my freshman dorm experience had been full of cherished memories. Organizing assasin together, stealing my RA's mattress when he was showering by breaking into his room with a hanger, and living off of the Cannon Center's chocolate milk were some definite highlights. After living that, living off-campus could not have been better. Living with hooligans (playing pick-up soccer on the daily) and being somehow forced into an awesome dinner group with these girls, partaking in classy Christmas parties, and knowing Nick Jones created one of the best college experiences ever had by man. Riddle has had its eye-opening moments, to say the least. When I first moved here, I lived with a 52 year-old guy who had a mail-order bride from Malaysia on the way. Yeah, living in that trailer home quickly ended. I then lived consecutively with Joshua Day and Nick George, both of whom quickly gave me up as a roomy to get married; like really they did it really quickly. I now live with two guys from the local college's gunsmithing program and two other dudes who work all day. We have friends over on the weekend and play some mad twister games. An interesting side-note is that most students who attend Embry-Riddle live on campus. Really, everybody does. It's not like you get your dorm experience and then find a house with some friends. It's more of you move on over to the the upper-classmen dorms.

Second has to go to dating, and no this has nothing to do with the idea that this past week V-day happened. At BYU, it was insane. I knew girls who didn't have to go grocery shopping due to how often they were taken out and every other weekend another friend was getting engaged.  Our apt put on a few stellar group ones. We thought setting off foating lanterns- and Ryhop's let on fire in the meantime- and then heading back to watch Tangled was a pretty swell idea. A few of us were able to roll our dice at the game and walk away to whole new world, like the kind at Embry-Riddle. For those unfamiliar with the guy to girl ratio, it's 4:1. As a result, we're left to look for girls who happen to be about our age living at home in Prescott, AZ. But life is full of surprises, you never know what'll pop up, so we continue to play this little game of ours until we win.

On a more casual note, I had a great finding this last week. For the past while, I've been waiting with bated breathe to hear back from a whole load of internships I've applied for. I decided to look over my resume, trying to have a fresh look at it and see what I could improve; and I think I found it! For one of my job descriptions, I had been spelling catalog catalogue! Sure, it's still correct- if you're living in the U.K.! I've made my changes and continue to wait.

Fun activity of the week. On Saturday, I took my macro/micro economics professor down the the Gilbert, AZ temple to walk through as they hold their viewing for the public until it's dedicated. He in turn wanted to treat to dinner at this place. It was so good, I get depressed on the idea that I have to now cook food at home that just may never compare- ever!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Answer is Food- Glorious Food!

For the past couple of weeks, I've invested some time attending several business clubs offered at my blessed university. I feel it's good to network with students I haven't met and future employers, 'cus the aviation industry it kind of a small place. One is PBL, which enters a state meet each year equivalent to the science 2.09 competition in the film "21" and does really well.  Another is an Avitaion Business Communication club. Last year, they went to Las Vegas for a convention and loads of students made some really good connections. This year, they plan to go to Orlando which would require some monetary funds. I've considered my limited options, and have decided to bring back Peter's Kitchen; this time for Prescott!

The tentative plan: Prescott does a famer's market which I plan to enter this year. Using my unrefined and dusty skills as a novice baker, I open a stand selling several English desserts! And suggestions are welcomed.

Still on a cooking note. I've had major cravings for Indian food as of late. Unlike Provo, I don't a delicious curry restuarant I can escape to. I've failed a few times for the past few weeks and have tried to learn from my mistakes so eating would be more of a joy. This week, I nailed it! Accompanied with some basmati rice, lentil soup, and naan bread, a delicious meal was prepared and I've got food for the next 3 days in the fridge.

Awkward Moments of the Week

As this blog's depravity knows no ends, names shall not be withheld. A few week's ago, Brooke and I went on a stats homework date to Costco; I got the combo pizza. During missionary coordination, with both Brooke and me present, our bishop took a few moments to go over how cheap dates that get us out for just a few moments can also be the some great times together. He then immediately mentioned how his favorite is going to Costco with his wife. A look of horror immediately followed from both of us. He didn't know, and let's be honest, you can't beat a hot dog and soda for just $1.50

Next was last night at stake conference. I had found a few spots open in the middle of the last padded bench that would fit Brooke, Aleigh and me. Not wanting to bother people already sitting by shuffling past them, I simply stepped over the back and sat down. A thoughtful man in his late 30's turned around with a look of judgement and asked, "Are you really going to make your wife walk around?" Completely confused and looking like a deer in the headlights, I asked him to please repeat himself. He asked me if I really was going to make my wife (I presume Aleigh) walk all around the bench to sit down. I pulled contemptuously showed my left hand and proudly said that I was as single as they come.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Killer Anticipation

Usually the beginning of a semester is a bit of lulled time for me. I had been able to be rather lackadaisical in past semesters, simply floating along. Not this one. For the past several weeks, I've been filling in one summer internship application after another- fingers crossed for Lockheed Martin in San Francisco and the FBI in DC/Virginia. Every day I wait for the phone interview, hoping for somebody to think I'm worthy. I usually just get a call from the Red Cross for my O- Blood.

On a brighter note, yesterday we held a Superbowl party as an alternate clebration for my Mum's Birthday! She's doing great with her baker's dozen chickens, two beehives, dog, and 8 grandkids!

Hard note of the week. After years of slamming on the pavement, the pavement has slammed back on my running game. I've aqcuired a bit of a tailor's bunion, not cool! I've had to take at least a week and a half break; no picture to follow as I've considered myself part of a physically grotesque and mutillated part of society.

Flash-back of the week:

About 4 years ago, I spent a lot of time with Kirk Katseanes. Being missionaries, we had a lot of time on our hands. One morning before going out to knock on doors for about 10 solid hours, we had a conflict as to the definition of cute vs. pretty. For the rest of the day and long into the night, we created a document that has really changed humanity. "The Fit List" is now an interpersonal common ground which we can all start using in our lives. Use it wisely; every word was carefully chosen.