Monday, February 3, 2014

The Killer Anticipation

Usually the beginning of a semester is a bit of lulled time for me. I had been able to be rather lackadaisical in past semesters, simply floating along. Not this one. For the past several weeks, I've been filling in one summer internship application after another- fingers crossed for Lockheed Martin in San Francisco and the FBI in DC/Virginia. Every day I wait for the phone interview, hoping for somebody to think I'm worthy. I usually just get a call from the Red Cross for my O- Blood.

On a brighter note, yesterday we held a Superbowl party as an alternate clebration for my Mum's Birthday! She's doing great with her baker's dozen chickens, two beehives, dog, and 8 grandkids!

Hard note of the week. After years of slamming on the pavement, the pavement has slammed back on my running game. I've aqcuired a bit of a tailor's bunion, not cool! I've had to take at least a week and a half break; no picture to follow as I've considered myself part of a physically grotesque and mutillated part of society.

Flash-back of the week:

About 4 years ago, I spent a lot of time with Kirk Katseanes. Being missionaries, we had a lot of time on our hands. One morning before going out to knock on doors for about 10 solid hours, we had a conflict as to the definition of cute vs. pretty. For the rest of the day and long into the night, we created a document that has really changed humanity. "The Fit List" is now an interpersonal common ground which we can all start using in our lives. Use it wisely; every word was carefully chosen.

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