On a brighter note, yesterday we held a Superbowl party as an alternate clebration for my Mum's Birthday! She's doing great with her baker's dozen chickens, two beehives, dog, and 8 grandkids!
Hard note of the week. After years of slamming on the pavement, the pavement has slammed back on my running game. I've aqcuired a bit of a tailor's bunion, not cool! I've had to take at least a week and a half break; no picture to follow as I've considered myself part of a physically grotesque and mutillated part of society.
Flash-back of the week:
About 4 years ago, I spent a lot of time with Kirk Katseanes. Being missionaries, we had a lot of time on our hands. One morning before going out to knock on doors for about 10 solid hours, we had a conflict as to the definition of cute vs. pretty. For the rest of the day and long into the night, we created a document that has really changed humanity. "The Fit List" is now an interpersonal common ground which we can all start using in our lives. Use it wisely; every word was carefully chosen.
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