The last week spent crashing on a couch in The Treehouse could have just been a serious top five - no, three!- greatest memories since I have moved to Prescott. Let's get the first major victoryout of the way. I came back with two and a half gallons of chocolate milk from the BYU Creamery. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get into what actually went down.
Friends Were Met and Made
I won't deny it, living back at The Treehouse was a most definite plus. Come Tuesday, I told everybody I was going to head out the next day. Ed (who, thanks to Nat, doesn't live there anymore) threw out the hospitable proposal that I simply just stay for the rest of the week. It wasn't a hard choice. I'm pretty sure we celebrated and then carried on eating some delicious chocolate trifle! We'd like to all thank Ed for stepping up to the plate and making sure I stayed to complete my week of happiness.
Now, for those unacquainted with him, Kirk Katseanes is not just a dear friend that pulls strings for me all the time. We have a delicious tradition of attending Kneaders Bakerywhenever we get together. We talk about life, girls (or lack thereof), our time in the mission together, and our future (again, or lack thereof). But really, we mostly just talk about girls. This last time we enjoyed going over the book series A Song of Fire and Ice.
Some people I also met, but would rather not have. There was an evening where I seriously spent way too much time (about 15 minutes) around the greatest tools I ever seen. Really, if Home Depot ever needs a new mascot, I know a lovely apartment where a shelf of them are. I'm sure they'll grow into something acceptable to society some day, but not anytime soon. Until then, I wish them the best of luck.
Family Most Definitely Happened
My Grandmother "Grandi" lives up in the good ol' SLC. I surprised my Mum with having still been up in Utah. She asked me what hip kids were doing these days and before I could muster a word about how cool blogs are, my Mum went off on "selfie"ing and how some girl on the flight she just took was doing it the entire time. Grandi couldn't grasp the concept of it, so we thought a personal 3 generation selfie would do the trick. She rather enjoyed it.
Other High Notes
Several years ago, I took a wild (really, there's no other way to describe it) trip to California with several companions. Mauri Wood happened to be one of them; I'd thought to give her a heads up to see how she was. She's teaching some 1st Graders who seriously have their work cut out for them. Genetics, Advanced Mathematics, and Modern English are just a few to mention. Good luck to her!
A game of pick-up football was played with a kicker for the football team. After a solid hit to Ed's knee and whole load of luck, Ryhop and I came out victors in the end. Power to us.
Something spiritually nice I found:
Service is not something we endure on this earth so we can earn the right to live in the celestial kingdom. Service is the very fiber of which an exalted life in the celestial kingdom is made.
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